NaNoWinner2023 I made it!

I reached the deadline a day early!

Here is my very cute certificate. I shall have to print it out and admire it on the noticeboard above my desk.

I’ve taken the day off today to watch a few live masterclasses with the publisher Canelo via Iaminprint. It was an informative morning, but now I must get back to work.

My next task is to submit book 1 in The Mermaid Hotel Series to publishers. I have my short list and will hopefully work through it this afternoon.

Then, on my long weekend away I will be picking up where I left on on book 3 and will hopefully get close to completing the first draft. It’s exciting to get it down on the computer where the real editing and shaping can begin.

Roll on 2024 – The year of The Mermaid Hotel Series!

How did you get on with the challenge?

It’s not all about hitting the big numbers, but about giving yourself permission to write. I wish we could do that every month.

Until next time…

Suzanne Rogerson – Author of epic fantasy, heart-warming romance and short stories

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