#AtoZchallenge 2016 results – reflection post

A-to-Z Reflection [2016]

I’ve only been blogging since August 2015 so this is my first attempt at the #AtoZchallenge. I was interested to see how blogging everyday except Sunday’s has impacted my blog. Here are some of the April stats and March in brackets to compare.

New Followers = 60 (in March 15)

April views = 1458 ( in March 336)

April visitors = 479 (in March 151)

Visitors from = 38 countries (in March 14 countries)

Likes = 748 (in March 184)

Post most viewed = A Amber’s method: Top 5 writing tips 70 views (in March Book Review of Girl in the Ice, Plus Visions of Zarua giveaway and sites that review = 17 views each)

Posts published = April 32 (in March 21)

My most viewed and liked posts were writing related – Amber’s Method, Proof reading checklist, Beta readers and Hampton Court and Warwick Castle.

(Here’s the link to my A-Z challenge page. There are links to each letter if you missed any.)

My view on the AtoZchallenge

Pros – It’s a real confidence boost receiving such nice comments and likes. I made new blogging friends and got to share my favourite photos, recipes and my flash fiction story.

Cons – No time to write. It was hard to keep track of all the blogs I wanted to. My family were driven crazy by the daily obsession.

Final word – I joined in the challenge to show myself I could blog everyday. I also wanted to get more involved in the blogging community and find like minded people to follow.

Would I recommend the A-Z Challenge?  – Yes, it’s a great way to discover new blogs and bloggers and build your own platform. However, be warned that you won’t get much else done during April. Be prepared for that so you won’t spend the whole month feeling guilty.


Thanks to everyone who followed my April Challenge, I hope you continue to enjoy my posts in the future.

I am taking a rest from blogging as my WIP needs finishing if I hope to publish it this year. I’ll still be posting book reviews, photos and the occasional guest posts. I hope you can join me.

43 thoughts on “#AtoZchallenge 2016 results – reflection post

  1. It was a great month. And as you wrote a lot of work reading and commenting. I couldn’t do as much as I wanted because life happened…
    Now it’s time to slow down and to relax a bit – till next year??? 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  2. On the 9th you can add your reflections post link to a list so other AtoZers can read it. The details are on the AtoZ blog 😉
    I’m glad this challenge did your blog so much good. And next April will be just as much fun 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on completing the challenge! I like how you showed the improvements between March and April. I wasnt able to get around to as many blogs as I wanted to in April, but there is still plenty of time. The posts aren’t going anywhere, and hopefully the bloggers will still be blogging.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

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  4. It’s a challenge… I have been involved for many years and it’s not easy sometimes, but we do get to meet some talented people…

    We made it…Hope you had a great time, thank you for your Reflection!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2016]


    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood… is Nuts?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well done on completing your first challenge 🙂 Those stats are brilliant! I made the mistake of finishing editing my novel as well as doing the challenge through April!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey!
    Seeing those numbers is impressive when you think of how awesome the A to Z is right? 😀
    Let me suggest something for next year, draft and schedule your posts in March so you aren’t so busy in April and get the time to relax and enjoy the challenge 🙂 I do it too and I feel it helps so much!


  7. Finding your blog for the first time as I begin reading the list of Reflections. I am now following having discovered your blogging world. I love the #Challenge for this reason. Even though I research, write a month ahead, leaving lots of time to visit in April, I didn’t make it through the entire list. Glad these reflections can be useful in several ways. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

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