Visions of Zarua on #Indieprideday #justforfun

To finish #Indieprideday, I thought I’d post these pics just for fun.


This is Poppy. Her bed is on my desk and she spends the rainy days (in the UK that is quite often) sleeping next to me. When not pulling strange poses in her sleep, she often jumps on my laptop and makes changes to my work when I’m not expecting it.

She’s come a long way from this little ball of fluff!

2015-09-22 10.56.57

Happy #indieprideday everyone!

7 thoughts on “Visions of Zarua on #Indieprideday #justforfun

  1. How lovely. Beautiful kitten grows in to gorgeous cat. I’ll bet she’s a great help to you when she’s walking across your keyboard. One of our cats does this , usually when I’m just about to press SEND or PUBLISH .

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